The centre is carrying out research, consultancy, knowledge and technology transfer in the area of safety of hydrogen as an energy carrier and fuel cell technologies.
Carrying out fundamental and industry driven research in the area of safety science and engineering, primarily hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.
The centre is carrying out research, consultancy, knowledge and technology transfer in the area of safety of hydrogen as an energy carrier and fuel cell technologies.
Hydrogen Safety Engineering Research at Ulster University.
See what staff work at HySAFER
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This fully online program consists of two modules : (ENE821): Principles of Hydrogen Safety and (ENE825): Hydrogen safety technologies
PhD opportunities are advertised within the Doctoral College.
Contact details for HySAFER, Ulster University.
Find out more about current HYSAFER group research.
Find out more about current HYSAFER group research.
Find out more about International collaboration and research in understanding and preventing catastrophes.
Find out more about the Belfast School of Architecture and the Built Environment.