Three years, countless hours, over 60,000 words, condensed down to one paragraph. In Quick Thesis Takeway we provide a glimpse into the world of our PhD researchers. They are contributing to shared knowledge, solving real world problems and making an impact on societies in Northern Ireland and beyond.

Hear from our first eight PhD Researchers who made it through to the Ulster University Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Final in June 2024. You can view their presentations on the Doctoral College YouTube Channel.

Reclaiming Rights: Justice for the Displaced and Stateless

Roua Al Taweel, Law

Through interviews, surveys, and historical analysis, my research examines how the interplay of Syrian nationality laws and forced displacement have rendered countless children stateless - without citizenship of any country. It unpacks the complex dynamics between statelessness, displacement, systemic legal discrimination, restricted movement, and gender inequalities. Findings urgently highlight the need for an intergovernmental justice framework to secure rights for these families, rectify socioeconomic injustices they face, and break the vicious cycle perpetuating structural violence across generations. Confronting institutional discrimination around legal status, freedom of movement, and gender is crucial to ensure no child's future is shackled by statelessness.

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Studying LGBTQIA+ Representation Through Character Design

Dara Flanagan, Art and Design

Queer coding is the practice of assigning traits to a character’s appearance or performance to insinuate they are from the LGBTQIA+ community. The analysis of queer coding in animation primarily draws links to Vito Russo’s work regarding homosexuality in 20th century Hollywood film. Using a sequential explanatory methodology, the aim of this research is to examine LGBTQIA+ representation across artists and designers on the island of Ireland. Relating to a theme of Pride, artists and designers will create two characters, one depicting themselves, and one depicting their community. The proposed outcome for this project is a modernisation of queer coding.

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Amazing Mothers: Mysterious Solution to Type-2 Diabetes Treatment

Vaibhav Dubey, Life and Health Sciences

My current project aims to generate novel treatment option for type-2 diabetes patients with the scope to understand ̐ pregnant women’s ability to regulate high blood sugar levels efficiently throughout their gestational phase, promoting healthy development of their fetus.Past researchers confirmed this ability in pregnant women via temporary expansion in beta cell mass that produce extra-insulin in response to increased sugar levels, but they failed to explain what leads to such expansion and modification.

We elucidated these unexplored cellular pathways responsible to this expansion and improved insulin secretion, further aiming to activate these pathways.

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Studying through rose-tinted glasses: does colour really help?

Darragh Harkin, Biomedical Sciences

Coloured spectacle lenses are often prescribed for patients with symptoms of the visuoperceptual reading disorder ‘visual stress’. However, coloured filter efficacy at reducing reading symptoms in symptomatic individuals, is uncertain with further research required to determine if benefit from colour can be drawn. This thesis aims to explore the efficacy of coloured lenses in adults with visual stress through the largest investigation of coloured lens performance on readers to date. Regardless as to whether benefit of coloured lenses can be endorsed or rejected, the findings of this investigation will inform future eyecare practice and future optometric management of visual stress

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No Fear: Cardio-Pulmonary Exercise Testing is Here!

Saqib Javaid, Nursing and Health

There are over 1 million people living with Heart Failure (HF) in the UK, out of which over 25000 people are living in the NI. HF patient experiences exercise intolerance, easy fatigability and exertional breathlessness. These symptoms aggravate with time these patients are seen getting hospitalized repeatedly. They are stuck in this vicious cycle in which the patients are tossed around between the GP, pharmacy and hospital ED. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing involves comprehensive assessment of multiple body systems. Results are used to make an early diagnosis, understanding pathophysiology, establish a prognosis and devise customized management strategies.

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Fight against Cancer: How to hit where it hurts

Indrianita Lionadi, Computing, Engineering and Built Environment

Reflect from a personal encounter with cancer, the researcher delves into its mysteries. Despite existing treatments like chemotherapy, the main challenge remains targeting cancer cells without harming healthy ones. Using an atomic force microscope, the researcher explores cancer cells' mechanical properties, aiming for early detection and precise targeting. Initial findings show promise in distinguishing cancerous cells and understanding their behavior. The study progresses to further enhance targeted cancer therapy. Despite the long journey ahead, the researcher is hopeful that their research will enhance cancer treatment efficiency, offering hope to those affected and dispelling the notion of cancer as an unbeatable foe.

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Start young, live long: Is reeling in a tasty catch the secret to longevity?

James McMullan, Biomedical Sciences

Globally, the number of individuals over the age of 65 is rapidly increasing. This increase in life expectancy has however been met with an increased risk of chronic disease. Fish consumption has been shown to improve heart, immune and cognitive health and therefore may promote healthy ageing. Concerningly, population intakes are failing to meet the government recommendations of two portions of fish per week. This PhD will use data from the high fish-eating population of the Seychelles to explore the effects of fish consumption on ageing. Outcomes will inform public health guidance to help encourage fish consumption throughout the population.

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Weight management during and after pregnancy: what is the weigh forward?

Rachel Nolan, Biomedical Sciences

Gaining weight during pregnancy is required for healthy foetal growth, however excessive gestational weight gain (GWG) is linked with adverse effects, including increased risk of caesarean delivery and postpartum weight retention. Currently within the UK there are no GWG guidelines, and women are not routinely weighed throughout pregnancy, meaning conversations around weight management are not happening. My PhD aims to investigate the changes in maternal weight during and after pregnancy and identify diet and lifestyle factors which contribute to obesity in these women, to inform the development of a tool which will help support mothers on their weight management journey.

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