Our Research Hour researchers

Meet our research staff that are carrying out research that embodies our strategic research theme of Building A Sustainable World.

Barry Quinn

Barry is part of the Behavioural Change in Hills and Uplands Farming project.

This project investigates how Northern Ireland farmers are transitioning to more sustainable practices.

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Susann Power

Dr Susann Power's research investigates sustainability within the tourism industry, changing the mindset of tourism executives to see that sustainability is now essential for business.

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David Hanna

David Hanna is a Lecturer in Management.

He is part of the team which launched the Educational Alliance for Research in Sustainability (EARS) project. His research focuses on the circular economy and sustainable business models.

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Nicola Watson

Nicola Watson is a PhD researcher, who is a previous finalist in the #3MT.

Her research has led to a roundtable for the House of Lords, and she has also contributed to a proposal for a major new international project.

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Adrian Pugsley

Adrian Pugsley's research responds to the Sustainable Development Goal 7: "Affordable and Clean Energy".

He is is developing an innovation which responds to climatic changes by dynamically adjusting the insulating properties of building facades.

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