UK Rapid Test Consortium
Ulster University Professors Tara Moore and Jim McLaughlin have been appointed as key UK government advisers to help develop a Covid-19 antibody test, via local company CIGA Healthcare.
Ulster's experts have been appointed as key advisers on Covid-19 government and industry taskforces to help predict the trajectory of infection and associated pressure on the NHS alongside planning for community response and overall exit strategies.
Ulster University Professors Tara Moore and Jim McLaughlin have been appointed as key UK government advisers to help develop a Covid-19 antibody test, via local company CIGA Healthcare.
Professor Mark Tully and Maurice Mulvenna have been appointed to support the Public Health Agency's Covid-19 response planning.
Economists from the Economic Policy Centre are advising local and national government as well as industry about the projected impact of Covid-19 on the economy.
Ulster University's Professor Jim McLaughlin has been appointed to the StopCovid-19 Expert Group to validate a viable Covid-19 Tracking app for Northern Ireland.
Ulster University's Dr Magda Bucholc, a researcher in Data Analytics, has been appointed to the Government Specialist Modelling Response Expert Group.
Ulster University, led by Professor Colum Walsh, has helped resource and establish vital new types of viral diagnostic tests