Get the expertise to lead the way in scientific innovation.

Learn how to harness biological processes to develop technologies and products that improve the quality of life and address global challenges.

Taught by the School of Biomedical Science (ranked 2nd in the UK for Biomedical Science, Guardian University Guide 2024), you’ll gain expertise in cutting-edge techniques, enhance your problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, and open doors to diverse career opportunities in academia, industry, and government. By contributing to advancements in biotechnology, you'll be at the forefront of scientific progress, playing a key role in shaping a healthier, more sustainable future.

During MSc Biotechnology Research you will develop an understanding of the theory and core concepts underlying advanced biotechnology research methods, such as CRISPR gene editing, alongside innovative disruptor technologies like synthetic biology, stem cell biology, and regenerative medicine.

Students will also have the opportunity to carry out a 3-month research project with an academic member of staff during the third semester, providing hands-on experience and deeper insight into biotechnology research.

This flexible course provides you with the opportunity to progressively build awards based on successful completion of semester 1 (PgCert), semester 2 (PgDip) and semester 3 (MSc).

Benefits to you or your business

  • Build employability and expertise for a future career in the changing biotechnology sector, which is projected to further expand over the next decade.
  • Develop key personal skills related to scientific communication of research ideas and results, critical analysis and self-reflection.
  • Acquire hands-on laboratory expertise relevant for both industry and academic research.
  • Benefit from a curriculum developed in collaboration with industry leaders, ensuring the skillsets taught are up-to-date and in demand.
  • Understand the societal impacts, including the ethics and risks associated with biotechnology innovations.
  • Contribute to scientific advancements and solutions addressing global challenges.
  • Gain critical awareness of professional practice and the ability to navigate the modern biotechnology landscape effectively.
  • Develop highly translatable laboratory and computational skills in advanced, cutting-edge biotechnology research methods through on-campus practical classes, with individual access to innovative equipment (e.g., Bentolabs and Picoreactors) for training.
  • Gain an understanding of entrepreneurship and commercialisation of marketable solutions in modern biotechnology which will be attractive to employers.

Browse Biotechnology Research courses

Training in biotechnology research with a strong emphasis on development of advanced practical skills.

Key Information

Full-time Postgraduate

Year of entry: 2025/26

Coleraine campus

Training in biotechnology research with a strong emphasis on development of advanced practical skills.

Key Information

Full-time Postgraduate

Year of entry: 2024/25

Coleraine campus