We are open, honest and transparent with each other.
Our Values set the tone for our University, where we are and where we want to get to.
The Values statements were co-created by Ulster University colleagues throughout 2019. Over 20% of colleagues contributed to the Values revision which means almost 600 colleagues engaged and supported the process.
The co-created nature of our Values provides an indication of the culture within our University. They give us direction on how we can Achieve Excellence Together, to enhance our employee and student experience, now and in the future.
The Values revision was driven through colleague engagement.
Work will continue over the coming months and years to help facilitate and embed Values driven activities and further colleague engagement at Ulster University.
We are open, honest and transparent with each other.
People and relationships are central to everything we do.
We strive to be the best that we can be.
We promote a place to work and study where everyone is accepted.