The Engage Series
The ENGAGE series supports the practice of great people management in Ulster University.
CIPD research has found that People Managers are the biggest influence on an employee’s experience as they progress through the employee life cycle.
The Engage series encompasses learning co-created with our managers to support the practice of great people management in Ulster University. Harnessing a blended experiential design to provide managers with a pathway of support and learning across all levels of practice and experience
The series pathway includes three key stages:
- Stage 1 - Preparing for People Management
- Stage 2 - Building the Foundations in People Management
- Stage 3 - Enhancing your Practice in People Management
Stage 1
Preparing for People Management
Learning to support those considering a People Manager role in Ulster.
Aspiring to People Management
Get to understand the role
Supporting an understanding of the role and preparing a development plan to enable required experience prior to application.
Who it's for
For individuals who are considering their first supervisory/people management role.
Aimed at grades 5/6
What's involved
A structured development programme supported by the local line manager, consisting of:
- 5 hours formal learning
- 5 hours experiential learning through job shadowing
- Development of a PDP with the local manager
- Attendance at careers planning and interview skills included in course as part of the learning calendar.
When it runs
Currently running 2 to 3 times per year

Stage 2
Building The Foundations
Learning to support the essential key skills and knowledge of people management
You will also get access to a SharePoint Resource offering supporting materials.
New Manager Experience
For those new to the role
Developing essential key skills and capabilities for all new People Managers in Ulster University.
All new managers are automatically allocated to the programme with a plan to complete across the probation year of their new role.
Who it's for
For individuals who are new to the role of People Management in Ulster.
What's involved
A structured development programme supported by the local line manager and spanning across the first 9 to 12 months of the new managers role.
When it runs
Asynchronous elements delivered on an as needed basis and scheduled for completion in the first 60 days.
Live learning elements will be scheduled to rerun 3 times across a 12-month period to support sufficient new starts and enable numbers in the cohort, fulfilling the ambition of completion across the probation period.

People Manager Boot Camp Programme
Our offering for existing managers, people manager bootcamp is delivered intra department or faculty, one day a month for 3 months, developing the essential key skills and capabilities for existing people managers in the university.
Who it's for
For individuals who are existing People Managers in Ulster and yet to complete formal training on the role.
Aimed at grade 6 and above.
What's involved
A structured development programme incorporating:
- 5 hours self-directed asynchronous learning: Operational Management Skills.
- 3 x days of face-to-face learning content, 1 day per month over 3 months, to include: Engaging Manager / Managing Teams. Supporting Performance / Communication. Managing Change / Wellbeing.
When it runs
Currently executing an 18-month whole organisational plan to enable bespoke offering through the local faculty/ directorate senior leadership team with local accountability for enrollment and attendance.
This offering will terminate after completion of the 18-month plan.

Mentoring at Ulster
A mentoring programme aiming to support those new to the role of people management or managers experiencing transition or change within their role.
Who it's for
Highly recommended for all individuals new to people management and open to all existing mangers as required or indicated.
Aimed at grades 6 and above.
What's involved
A mentoring partnership with an experienced people manager in UU to support a focus on growth as a manager, an understanding of context of people management in Ulster and having the opportunity to be connected into their mentors' network.
Mentor meetings will be partnership driven as to the frequency and the scope of mentoring focus.

People Manager Learning Hub
A central SharePoint area for managers to
- Access learning resources independently and seamlessly within their workflow.
- It offers resources and links readily available to assist managers precisely when they require them.

Stage 3
Enhancing Your Practice
Learning support to further enhance your skills as a People Manager.
The Coaching Manager
Learning to support managers to increase their ability to facilitate workplace coaching conversations, conversations that enhance performance, increase wellbeing and engagement.
Who it's for
Open to all People Managers as required.
Aimed at grades 6 and above.
What's involved
A 1-day programme that will provide managers with the knowledge, skills and confidence to use a coaching approach in how they lead, manage and develop individuals and teams.
Participants will develop their ability to facilitate workplace coaching conversations as a manager; conversations that enhance performance, increase wellbeing and engagement.
When it runs
This opportunity is open to all managers through the learning calendar.

Navigating Challenging Conversations
Supporting People Managers to facilitate challenging and difficult conversations that may arise as part of managing a team.
Being able to navigate these conversations calmly and confidently will enable you to work more effectively and build stronger relationships with your team.
Who it's for
Open to all People Managers as required.
What's involved
A 1-day programme that will cover how to approach difficult conversations and the steps and principals involved in addressing them.
The course will look at a structured set of techniques, strategies and tips to make those difficult conversations less daunting and more productive, including building rapport, active listening, using positive body language, and managing emotional reactions.
When it runs
This opportunity is open to all managers through the learning calendar.

Coaching at Ulster
Offered to all people managers
The 1:1 coaching is provided through Ulster's internal coaching panel.
Coaching offered to all people managers as and when required for support within a specific development area.
Who it's for
Open to all people managers as an opportunity to build on their essential management skills to further enhance their practice.
What's involved
To support the growth, learning and development of people managers through the practice of 1:1 coaching. It will aim to improve effectiveness in a particular area of focus for the learner with an approach for measurable steps of growth and success.
When it runs
This opportunity can be accessed at any point directly by the learner by contacting People Development.