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This workshop takes place at Jordanstown (2F06) on 3 March 2020 12pm to 1pm as follows:

Who makes your favourite coffee? What type of trainers do you wear? What brand of technology do you use?

A brand is anything – a symbol, design, name, reputation – that separates one thing from another. Branding on a business level is common, but today branding is becoming just as important on a personal level.

Discover how managing your personal brand can enable you to showcase who you are as an individual and support your career development.

This interactive workshop will encourage you to think about who you are, what you stand for in your career and life and how this can support you in your personal career aspirations.

This workshop is led by Michael Shannon, People Development Partner, People and Culture, Ulster University.

Event info

This event has ended

Tuesday 3 March

12pm to 1pm


Wo/men's Network at Ulster