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This interactive session takes place online via MS Teams on Friday 23 October from 12pm to 1pm.

It will focus on how you can go forward and best look after yourself as the clocks go back and winter approaches. This is a difficult time of year in an exceptionally difficult year. It is likely that many will experience a decline in mood and energy as the days get shorter and the weather gets gloomier!

To help with this, at this session, you will consider ways to self-care and will leave the session having decided on one thing you are going to stop doing (something that isn't serving you well or you need to let go of) and one thing you are going to start doing (based on the 5 Steps to Wellbeing).

This is also an opportunity to catch up with different people across the University and share experiences.

Please note the link to acccess MS Teams will be emailed to those who sign up to attend.

Event info

This event has ended

Friday 23 October

12pm to 1pm

Microsoft Teams

Wo/men's Network at Ulster