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For over 2 decades, Professor of Intelligent Technologies, Joan Condell, has been at the forefront of bringing data intelligence and health technologies into communities, homes and people’s lives to make a difference to community care and quality of life. Joan benefitted from the Returning Carers Scheme on returning to work after the birth of her fifth child, Anna, 5 years ago. A challenging recovery period brought with it understandable concerns about a seamless return to a successful research career as a working parent of 5 children in a fast paced and progressive research field.

Joan explains, “The Returning Carers Scheme made a big difference to me on my return to work as it enabled me to get back into my research more speedily, funding partnership trips to meet with colleagues in the US - fast tracking my return to research. In our line of research, we want to bring solutions to the market promptly, and the support of the scheme gave me the academic freedom and capability to get back into this field as soon as possible.

Much of Joan’s pioneering research works closely with communities and directly with people to support both their mental and physical health. On return from her last maternity leave, one such medical technologies project made its mark alongside 20 local companies and 170 carer’s homes in the Derry City and Strabane District Council area.

The added complexity of the post Brexit research funding environment necessitated an expanded approach to reposition this vital field of work regionally here in Northern Ireland, “Since so much of my research is about bringing healthcare technology right into the heart of communities and homes it was important to me that I could get back into that world of user trials and partnerships as quickly as possible.” Two particular examples of companies she worked alongside were B-Secur and TakeTen.

Advancing heart technology, the B-Secur latest solution Heart Key is a universal ECG analysis software with highly accurate rhythm detection and analysis for cardiac monitoring, enabling diagnostic precision and operational efficiencies. “Alerting clinicians to both mental and physical triggers, the technology has been introduced in Altnagelvin hospital.” A further partnership with the health technology company Neurovalens brings non-invasive medical devices to treat some of the world’s most significant health concerns. Joan adds, “Now with FDA approval in place, a new innovation brings insomnia relief to help worn out caregivers wind down into sleep.

Used by schools, healthcare providers and in the workplace, TakeTen technologies help children, young people and adults learn how to change their response to stress and stressful situations. Joan explains, “The ability to regulate our emotions is so important for maintaining good mental health and wellbeing. TakeTen’s technology offers a better understanding of emotional patterns and supports the development of effective strategies for managing stress and challenging situations.

The Returning Carers Scheme encouraged and enabled my return to these and other important research collaborations and helped me get back to making a difference where it may be most needed.