The aim of these guidelines is to assist and support any student who believes they may be being subjected to harassment or bullying whilst on a work-based learning placement. They aim to define harassment and bullying, to outline the rights and responsibilities of both students and the University in such circumstances, and to point students towards the appropriate sources of advice.
It is widely
Harassment in any form is unacceptable
Harassment is unwanted conduct of a sexual/sectarian/racist nature or other conduct based on
sex sexual orientationreligious beliefpolitical opinionrace /ethnic origin- Race/Ethnic Origin also includes
, nationality and national origin.colour - The Irish
areTravellers as being a racial group.recognised
- Race/Ethnic Origin also includes
marital or family status- This includes both people with, and people without dependants.
Harassment has the purpose or effect of violating the dignity of women and men or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.
Harassment can also be unwanted conduct aimed at an individual’s disability or based on an individual’s age, social status or Trades Union membership.
Harassment can include
Some examples are given
- Physical conduct ranging from inappropriate touching to serious assault;
- Oral and written harassment through jokes, offensive language, racist remarks, gossip and slander, sectarian songs, threats, letters;
- Visual displays such
graffiti, obscene gestures, flags, buntings or emblems or any offensive material, including electronically generated material;as of posters, or non-co-operation at work, exclusion from social activities or conversation;Isolation - Coercion, including pressure for sexual
, pressure to participate in political/ religious groups;favours - Intrusion by pestering, spying, following etc.
Bullying is unacceptable, offensive
It is often an abuse of power or position where the targets can experience difficulty in defending themselves.
It can be defined as unfair treatment, excessive criticism, or persistent nit-picking, intimidating, aggressive or undermining
- Aggression, threats and shouting;
- Constant belittling,
or ridiculing;marginalising - Excessive criticism about minor things;
- Inappropriate removal of areas of responsibility, or deliberately impeding the work of another employee;
- Excessive monitoring of someone’s work or inaccurate accusations about quality of work;
- Public humiliation;
- Taking credit for someone’s
never taking the blame ifwork but something goes wrong; - Twisting things someone says or does;
- Withholding information from or deliberately supplying incorrect information to employees so they are less able to do their job;
- Setting impossible objectives
constantly changing someone’s work remit;or or non-co-operation at work, exclusion from social activities or conversation;Isolation - Spreading malicious
;rumours - Failure to deal with the issue of an individual consistently being given an excessive workload compared with colleagues;
- Preventing individuals from progressing, by intentionally blocking promotion or training opportunities.
Bullying can also be more subtle and insidious, and can gradually wear someone down.
Often it takes place when there are no witnesses, and the victim is afraid to complain through fear of not being believed and of the bullying getting worse. Bullying has an extremely negative effect on the individual and ultimately
The University will therefore investigate any complaints of bullying thoroughly.
Your Responsibilities whilst on a Work-based Learning Placement
As an employee at your work-based learning
If the employer does not have a formal policy on bullying and/or harassment you should ascertain if there is a grievance procedure or other formal complaints procedure, Harassment is likely to be covered by legislation, whether or not a formal policy exists.
In the course of your induction in your work placement make sure you obtain a copy of all relevant policies, including a policy on bullying and harassment, if the
You should discourage bullying and harassment by making it clear that you find such
As an
Your Rights
Whether or not the
The University’s Responsibilities
The University has a responsibility to you whilst you are a student. In the periods other than those covered by work placements, this responsibility is outlined by the University Policy on Bullying and Harassment.
Whilst you are on a work placement the University continues to have a duty of care for
What to do if you feel you may be being harassed or bullied in your work placement
Firstly, you should be aware that you do not have to deal with the situation on your own. There are a number of sources of help.
University Harassment Advisors
University Harassment Advisors have been appointed to provide students (and staff) with advice and assistance.
An advisor can be contacted on a confidential basis at any time. The names and locations of advisors can be obtained from the Policy Implementation Unit and from your Faculty/School office.
Advice from Academic Staff
Academic staff will deal with queries about bullying and harassment confidentially, unless and until you want them to involve a third party. Making a complaint or
All academic staff are required to attend a basic equality awareness training/development. These guidelines have also been disseminated to all placement tutors and academic supervisors and other staff involved in work based and placement learning so that they will know how to respond to a request for advice from you.
A member of University staff cannot resolve a complaint of bullying or harassment on your behalf because they would have no jurisdiction to do so in the
They should signpost you to the right person in the
They can also give you details about university counselling services.
University Counselling
At any stage you can contact the University’s counselling service (Carecall). You can contact the service on: 0800 028 5510 (24 hour Freephone service)
Or at:
The service is free and confidential.
Students Union
You may also wish to contact the Students’ Union for advice and support. Both staff and officers have received training in the University’s Bullying and Harassment Policy and can assist you in dealing with these issues. Contact details are available at
Final Note
Your placement year should be a valuable, fulfilling and enjoyable experience and in all likelihood yours will be just this.
The majority of work-based placements are completed successfully without any issues arising in relation to harassment or bullying.
However theses guidelines have been drawn up to assist you, in the unlikely event that you find yourself in a position where you feel you may be subject to behaviour of this kind.