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Don't respond and don’t forward cyberbullying messages

This is not as easy to do as it sounds. It's a natural response to want to defend yourself.

Block the sender so they cannot continue to contact you but be aware that they may continue from other accounts.

Keep all abusive emails

Create a new folder for or take screenshots of abusive messages.

You don't have to read it but bullies can be traced even when using fake information so when the time comes this folder is your evidence.

Decide if you want to take action

Sometimes refusing to respond will result in the sender losing interest but you can use your folder of evidence to report the bullying behaviour to your online service provider/social media site, the police and/or to the University.

Threats of violence, child pornography, sexually explicit messages or photos, taking a photo or video of someone in a place where they would expect privacy, stalking, hate crimes, harassment, identity theft and impersonation are all criminal offences and should be reported to the police.

Cyberbullying is a breach of the University’s Social Media Policy and can be investigated under the University’s Bullying and Harassment and/or the University’s Student Discipline Procedures.

Get help

This is essential. Even mature adults often cannot handle bullying and harassment by themselves.

Sometimes you are dealing with a severely disordered and dangerous individual.

Confide in friends and family instead of trying to deal with the abuse on your own or contact Student Support to speak to a counsellor.

Useful Contacts


Dial 101 to contact the Police in non-emergency situations.

Carecall Counselling Services

0800 0285510

Campus support

Campus support contact information
Belfast 028 953 67300
Coleraine 028 701 24105
Jordanstown 028 903 66336
Magee 028 716 75218

Student Disciplinary Procedures

028 7012 3354

Bullying and Harassment Policy

028 9036 8869