As part of Ulster University’s Athena Swan Action Plan (2023-2028), a Returning Carers’ Scheme (RCS) has been established to support all staff on return from extended leave (normally 4 months or more) for reasons connected to caring - such as adoption leave, additional paternity leave, maternity leave, or leave to care for a dependent.
The Scheme aims to assist the career and professional development of individuals affected by periods of leave for caring responsibilities.
The Scheme offers funds to support Continual Professional Development (CPD) activities of those going on, or returning from, a period away from work due to caring responsibilities.
Returning Carer's Scheme Criteria
Eligibility Criteria
The Scheme is open to all staff who have returned from a break in their career for caring responsibilities in the last 3 years or have been working part-time or reduced hours because of caring responsibilities.
This can include, but is not restricted to:
- Adoption leave
- Career breaks for family reasons
- Maternity leave
- Paternity leave
- Parental leave
- Leave to work part-time or reduced hours for family reasons
- Special leave to care for a dependent
The period of continuous/total/reduced hours for caring responsibilities should normally be 4 months or more in order to be eligible for support under this scheme. The Panel reviewing the applications will consider each case individually, depending on the specific circumstances and needs of the individual.
Staff on a fixed-term contract
Staff on a fixed-term contract should hold a contract of employment for a sufficient period beyond the date of their application to permit the grant to be spent and to have an impact that increases the likelihood of them securing a new contract. The application should give evidence of being on a research or academic career trajectory and clearly outline any future career plans, with a supporting statement from their supervisor if they wish to do so.
Funding Criteria
Awards will be capped at £1,500 (unless the circumstances are deemed to be exceptional) to support career development of staff returning from a period away from work due to caring responsibilities.
Applications for funding will be considered on a case by case basis by the RCS panel, taking into account the specific circumstances and needs of the individual and in accordance with the following criteria:
- Awards will be made only where it is clear that there is no other external source of funding (such as grant funding).
- Awards will be made only for purposes identified in the application.
- The application for funding fits with the University (and Faculty and School/Department) priorities and will benefit the independent career of the applicant.
- Priority will be given to those who are requesting funds for the first time; however you may reapply, even if you have received a RCS award in previous rounds, following an additional period of extended leave.
- If the total of funding requested exceeds available funds, awards will be given to those requests that the Panel considers will have the most impact.
- Direct childcare costs will not be considered.
- There will be no right of appeal against the Panel’s decision.
- No support will be approved for expenditure following the end of a contract of employment.
Previously to Autumn 2023, the RCS has only been open to Academic Staff and it is now open to all University staff members. As a result, the previous examples of activities below have a mainly academic focus.
Examples of activities that may be or have been funded by the Scheme include:
- Presenting papers at conferences* (if there is a possibility of getting funding elsewhere, the RCS will cover the difference);
- Training to support career/professional development;
- Short-term research or administrative support (for example to generate preliminary data to support research grant applications);
- Support for assistance in grant writing;
- Cost of teaching buy-out to cover one module;
- Indirect childcare expenses; for example, when attending a conference overseas, the cost for travel and accommodation of an adult looking after an accompanying dependent; and
- Equipment/laboratory consumables (for example to support a grant application or completion of independent research - this must be evidenced).
* For presentation at conferences to be approved, please provide proof that an abstract has been accepted and submit a letter of support from your Research Director confirming that the proposal fits with the University/Faculty research priorities.
This list is not exhaustive and applicants are encouraged to make requests for funding for items that will help build their career and/or profile and are not included above.
From receiving the funds, successful applicants will have up to 12 months in which to spend the full award (staff on a fixed-term contract will need to hold a contract for a sufficient period beyond the date of their application to spend the funds). Requests for funds should not normally exceed £1,500 in total, based on direct costs (although exceptional cases for support for more than £1,500 may be considered). The cost of consumables should not exceed £1,500 and should receive detailed justification in an applicant’s proposal.
The Scheme may not be used to:
- provide support during the career break as the Head of School/Department should be working closely with the member of staff to ensure appropriate arrangements and cover are in place (the costs of providing a maternity cover post or other support during the leave period are not permitted. These should be discussed with and considered by the applicant’s school/department, e.g. as part of the process of agreeing a maternity leave plan)
- contribute to the salary or other personal costs (such as childcare) of the applicant.
Please note that applications for retrospective payments are not allowed.
How to Apply
Before making an application to the Returning Carers' Scheme, it is essential that applicants meet with their Head of School, Head of Department, and/or Research Institute Director (as appropriate) to discuss their application and to confirm that the requested funds will enhance your career in line with the School or Department's strategy.
Applicants must complete all sections of the application form and ensure that they provide a detailed breakdown of their planned expenditure in addition to detailing its outcome and impact on their career progression.
The statement of support from the Head of School/Department should include confirmation that the application is in line with the aims of the Scheme, that the items requested are of personal benefit to the member of staff, that there is no other source of funding (e.g. grant funding) and (if relevant) that there will be no adverse affect on colleagues (e.g. if the application is for teaching relief).
Where funding is being requested to support Research paper outputs, in addition to the Head of School/Department statement of support, the Research Director must confirm that the proposals align with the strategic outputs of the unit.
For more information and support on the application process, please contact the Athena Swan Officer or Athena Swan Support Assistant
Please send the completed application to either of the two Athena Swan staff listed above and
For academic staff, applications will primarily be judged against the likelihood of delivering benefits that would enable the applicant to remain in an academic or research career, taking into account their career stage.
For all other staff, similar consideration will be given as to the application delivering benefits to further develop and enhance the candidate’s career within their roles and opportunities for further advancement.
The Panel will make decisions on funding, ensuring consistency across Faculties and Departments.
The Panel may approve a lesser amount if the case for funding is not deemed strong enough.
Applicants will usually receive a decision within one month of the closing date. There will be no appeal against the Panel’s decision.
Post Award Tasks
Successful applicants will be required to fill in an anonymous feedback and evaluation questionnaire upon receipt of the funds or on completion of the project. A template will be provided. The report will detail:
- any research outputs, as evidenced by publications, presentation of papers, development of collaborations or submission of grant proposals
- any career development, as evidenced by attendance at conferences or participation in training or development; and
- any other identified benefits to your career.
RCS Feedback and Evaluation Questionnaire
For further information or any enquiries, please contact the Athena Swan Officer or Athena Swan Support Assistant or
If you have any queries about the Returning Carers' Scheme, please contact the staff listed below.