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Academic promotions are intended to recognise the personal growth of an individual and set expectations for their future performance.

One of the key principles that underpins academic promotions is that, as a member of academic staff develops their skills, experience, expertise and esteem their role will grow with them.

Promotion is a formal recognition of growth and development to date which sets expectations for future performance. It is not a reward for what a person has done in the past.

Preparing for Promotion Recorded Workshop

This workshop recording lasts for 1 hour 22 minutes. The workshop provides a background to the  Academic Promotions process, explains the assessment criteria, the process of assessment and how to make an application.

Academic Promotion Criteria

Income Generation Benchmark Data

In the assessment area of Academic Excellence in Research and Impact and in relation to securing external funding, applicants must meet benchmark criteria.

Information relating to benchmark data is available to download within the job advert under the vacancies section of the staff portal.  When you click on “view details” of the Promotions Advert you will be taken to a page entitled “Job specification section” at the bottom of which there will be a download of this information with the rest of the documentation you will need.

A Message from the Vice-Chancellor

From the Vice Chancellor

"The University wishes to enable and support our academic staff to develop their careers, optimise their potential and fully achieve their ambitions. We aim to put in place an academic promotion scheme which truly recognises and rewards the contribution of academic staff to the achievement of our objectives."

“The input of our staff, through the Campus Conversations, to the academic promotions review has been invaluable in helping to inform and shape the direction of a draft redesigned scheme that we trust better reflects the impact of academic careers.”

Professor Paul Bartholomew- Vice Chancellor