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Injustice and abuse still run rampant in many countries; people continue to live with the legacy of violence.

Our research seeks to imagine new futures and transitions to peace by engaging communities, to help learn from violent experiences and to promote a peaceful and inclusive society.

The Transitional Justice Institute (TJI) is a world-leading law-led multidisciplinary research centre at Ulster focusing on transitional justice - how societies deal with the transition from conflict or oppression - human rights, gender, international law, peace and conflict.

At a Glance

Conflict and Politics in Northern Ireland

The (Conflict and Politics in Northern Ireland) CAIN Archive is a collection of information and source material on 'the Troubles' and politics in Northern Ireland from 1968 to the present.

CAIN is located in Ulster University and is part of ARK and INCORE.


ARK is Northern Ireland’s social policy hub. Established in 2000 by researchers at Ulster University and Queen’s University Belfast, its primary goal is to increase the accessibility and use of academic data and research.

International Conflict Research Institute (INCORE)

The globally recognised International Conflict Research Institute (INCORE) was established in 1993, and celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2018.   It is a centre of excellence for research and analysis in the areas of governance, policy and professional practice, particularly in the context of divided societies.

Ulster Law Clinic / Social Justice Hub

The Ulster Law Clinic / Social Justice Hub offers free, independent and confidential legal advice and representation, specialising in employment and social security issues, while also offering one-off advice on family law matters.

It operates on the Belfast and Magee Campuses, both clinics are run by practitioners and supported by students from the School of Law.

Legal Innovation Centre

The Legal Innovation Centre was established in 2016 with the support of key industry stakeholders. A pioneering collaboration between the School of Law and the School of Computing and Intelligent Systems at Ulster, the Centre promotes and supports innovation in legal services and access to justice.

Northern Ireland Women’s Sector

The Northern Ireland Women’s Sector research, evidence-gathering and information-sharing project is designed to build capacity and be a resource to support local women's organisations in NI to use international human rights and gender equality instruments to add value to their work.