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Ulster University has today welcomed a key milestone for the North West region as the Financial Deal for the Derry~Londonderry Strabane City Deal, the largest ever Government investment in the region, was signed at the Guildhall in Derry~Londonderry.

The University is a key delivery partner for two projects in the City Deal, which is led by Derry City and Strabane District Council, supporting its implementation in line with the University’s own ambitions to increase the student population in the Derry~Londonderry area and stimulate broader economic development across the North West. These are:

CADRIC - Cognitive Analytics & Digital Robotics Innovation Centre

  • A £39m research-led, industry-facing project driving the multi-disciplinary innovation necessary to translate the benefits of the University’s leading-edge research in data driven disciplines. The project includes establishment of a new purpose-built facility that will be delivered by Ulster University at its Derry~Londonderry Campus. The new CADRIC facility will provide infrastructure, equipment, and dedicated staff for the Cognitive Analytics Research Laboratory (CARL) and the Centre for Industrial Digitalisation and Robotics Automation (CIDRA) Innovation Centres of Excellence.
  • CADRIC will support inclusive economic growth, including the creation of new jobs and will help establish the region as one of the best places in the world to design, develop and launch innovative services and products relating to subjects such as bio-inspired AI and Cognitive Robotics.
  • CADRIC will support the delivery of a skills and talent pipeline, with world leading excellence in Research & Development & Innovation (R&D&I) and will generate world-leading research outputs that help attract significant Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and build new collaborative innovation partnerships. This in turn helps deliver the  Department for the Economy Minister's Economic Vision and deliver regional balance, as a policy priority.

Phase 2 of the School of Medicine

  • The School of Medicine (SoM) is an £86m project that will attract graduates from a variety of disciplines to study, work and live in the North West. The completed Phase 1, in refurbished accommodation on the Ulster University’s Derry~Londonderry campus, opened its doors to a first cohort of 73 students on 23 August 2021 who are due to graduate in July 2025.
  • Phase 2 of the School of Medicine project involves the construction of new state-of-the-art accommodation on a waterfront site on Strand Road, adjacent to the DCSDC offices and the University campus. As part of the project, there will also be a Medical Education Facility developed for the WHSCT on the Altnagelvin Hospital site and the expansion of the existing CTRIC Research Facility at Altnagelvin.
  • The School of Medicine is a nationally and internationally excellent medical school, training the new generation of doctors to deliver whole person care with skill and compassion, to meet future long-term workforce needs in the healthcare system in Northern Ireland and fulfil commitments made under the New Decade, New Approach (NDNA).
  • The School of Medicine’s Research Strategy to advance medical treatments which improve health outcomes is built on three Research Clusters – Translational Experimental Research, Clinical Medicine, and Public and Population Health.

Welcoming this signing of the Financial Deal, Professor Paul Bartholomew, Vice-Chancellor of Ulster University said:

“Ulster University, along with the Derry City and Strabane District Council, the NI Executive, the UK Government, and other delivery partners, have a relentless ambition to deliver growth, investment and prosperity for the North West region. Our shared commitment to this ambition is clearly demonstrated by the Derry-Londonderry and Strabane City Region City Deal and this is another significant milestone in our journey to ensuring that this region, and its people, see the economic and community benefits of our work. 

"The signing today brings us one step closer developing a new combined Cognitive Analytics and Digital Robotics Innovation Centre (CADRIC) and to expand our campus footprint through the development of a new School of Medicine building, which encompasses a Personalised Medicine Centre to deliver the research that will help drive our understanding of a range of health conditions. This will enable us to deliver high quality medical education and research in the region and to train a greater number of doctors who will meet the ever-growing healthcare needs of Northern Ireland.

“These projects, alongside our ongoing work to grow and enhance our Derry~Londonderry campus, have the potential to be transformative for the city and the wider region and we look forward to continuing to work with all partners to deliver on this potential”

Launched in February 2021, the Derry~Londonderry & Strabane City Deal and Inclusive Future Fund is a £210m investment from the UK Government and Northern Ireland Executive, with an additional £83m funding from project delivery partners, including Ulster University.

The whole investment is forecasted to triple the expected rate of employment growth in the region, with an additional 6,300 jobs to be created by 2033.

What are City and Growth Deals?

A City or Growth Deal is a package of funding and decision-making powers negotiated by government and local authorities, with the aim of harnessing additional investment, creating new jobs and speeding up inclusive and sustainable economic growth in specific areas. They are agreements between the UK Government, local governments and partners.

They bring together all levels of government to make long-term investments that are tailored to the needs and strengths of the region.

Moving away from a one-size-fits-all investment model, over 26 City Deals have been agreed across the UK to date. Northern Ireland is benefitting from a combined investment package of £1.2 billion across four City and Growth Deals, which is complemented by private sector and partner investment, including from Ulster University.