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Ulster University is offering 50 new Master’s Degree studentships for 2021/22, made possible by funding from the Department for the Economy.

Funded through the Department’s Postgraduate Award Scheme, each student undertaking the one year taught Master's programme will have their fees paid and receive a £10,000 bursary payment.

The Bursaries will help to deliver the vital skills needed to enable a range of sectors to respond to and emerge from the pandemic, support confident economic recovery and build rewarding careers.

Reflecting the priorities in the Department for the Economy’s 10X Economy Vision, and the ambitions of the transformational City Deals for Belfast and the North West, the courses offered are aligned to exciting and progressive opportunities for growth and recovery in key sectors including:

  • Digital, ICT and Artificial Intelligence
  • Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering
  • Personalised Medicine, Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Geographical Information Systems
  • Fashion and Retail Management
  • Animation
  • Digital Marketing Communication
  • Leadership.

Across each of these diverse sectors, the eligible Master’s programmes will deliver a rich postgraduate student learning experience, informed by the University’s expertise and its many industry partnerships to support students to be set up for success in their chosen field.

Professor Brian Murphy, Interim Dean, Academic Business Development at Ulster University said,

“We are delighted to offer these fully-funded studentships that will open up opportunities for students who may otherwise be unable to take up a Master’s programme for financial reasons. The programmes will provide highly-skilled, industry-ready graduates across a range of sectors as they recover and grow following the pandemic.”

Economy Minister Paul Frew said:

“I am very pleased to see Ulster University rolling out this programme of Master’s degree studentships and associated bursaries, funded by my Department. This initiative is particularly welcome in Northern Ireland’s centenary year as we look ahead.

“These funded studentships and bursaries will support the pipeline of skills the economy needs as we recover from the pandemic, and also support the skills policy objectives set out in my Department’s 10X Economic vision.

“I urge anyone who is interested and eligible to apply for this excellent opportunity.”

The bursaries are part of a package of up to £1.8million in funding for 100 bursaries for additional Master’s courses in 2021/22 administered by Ulster University and Queen’s University Belfast.