An incredible £20,000 has been raised to date which demonstrates our commitment to helping those students most at risk, by raising awareness of mental health and providing interventions at the earliest stage of the development of mental illness.
Caroline Armstrong, Head of Fundraising, Ulster University, said:
“We are thrilled with the response from staff, students and alumni and the commitment shown by so many in raising funds to support our students’ mental well-being, which stands at £20,000 to date and this figure is still rising.
“With 250 individuals taking part in the Belfast City Marathon, the 4 campus cycle and the Golf Challenge and an estimated 100 others taking part in spinathons, coffee morning and other fundraising activity, we have far surpassed the number of participants from last year, with more individuals planning to participate in the SSE Walled City Marathon in June. And thank you to everyone who supported colleagues and friends with donations.”
The Development and Alumni Relations Office who led the fundraising for Mind Your Mood, will work with Student Support in the coming weeks to identifying the best use of the money raised and will report back to all participants to show the impact that their efforts and sponsorship money will make to the mental wellbeing of our students.