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The University of Ulster has signed a partnership arrangement with the University of Illinois in Chicago (UIC) that will see exchanges of students and researchers between both organisations,

Formalised this week, the Memorandum of Understanding will put in place research collaborations as well as a programme of staff and student exchanges, according to Professor Hugh McKenna, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation (pictured).

"The University of Illinois is one of the most respected academic institutions in the United States, ranking high in international league tables.

We are delighted that they have recognised Ulster as a high profile partner in this important international venture," he said.

"I was impressed with the excellent teaching and research on-going at UIC. There are obvious synergies in health related subjects, engineering and nanotechnology and sports studies.

"At the most senior levels of UIC, I I detected an earnest desire to support the partnership and encourage collaboration for mutual benefit. "

As a start, two UIC professors are coming to the University of Ulster in April 2013 to discuss research collaborations with colleagues.