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As St Patrick's Day approaches, the Vice-Chancellor and the Student President of the University of Ulster have written jointly to all students reminding them of their responsibilities to the communities in which they live.

The full text of the joint letter is given below.

Dear University of Ulster student,

St Patrick's Day is traditionally a time of celebration.

However, as a University of Ulster student, you should also be aware that you are a representative of the University both on and off campus, and you carry with you the good name and reputation of the University.

In the past, anti-social behaviour by some students has tarnished the good name of the University and its student body, and has resulted in criminal convictions for some students - as well as disciplinary penalties for others.

We would, once again, like to remind you that the University of Ulster's Student Charter - to which you agreed when you registered as a University of Ulster student - states "that you will behave responsibly and respect other students, staff and the community both on and off-campus".

Be assured that the University of Ulster will act swiftly against any of our students identified as bringing the University into disrepute through theirbehaviour in the build-up to and over the St Patrick's Day period.

Please be advised that Ulster students suspected of involvement in serious anti-social behaviour will be suspended immediately pending further investigation. A meeting of the University's Disciplinary Committee will sit on April 10th 2013 to deal with such cases.

Accordingly, we ask that you be respectful and considerate of local residents both in the build up to and over the St Patrick's Day weekend, in order to protect the reputation of our University and to foster good community relations.

This year the University of Ulster has decided that Friday March 15th will be a reading day, and we will also be closed on the Bank holiday on Monday March 18th. In the interests of good community relations we ask those of you living in south Belfast either to go home over the weekend or ensure that you treat the community you live in with respect.

Irrespective of which campus you study at or where you live, we trust you will enjoy the St Patrick's Day period responsibly and bring credit on yourselves and your family.

The University of Ulster has produced a series of videos, making clear the risks and potential long-term consequences of anti-social behaviour which can be accessed at this link:

We urge all Ulster students to view it. Don't gamble with your future.

Yours sincerely,

Professor Richard Barnett,
Vice-Chancellor, University of Ulster

Claire Flanagan,
Overall President, University of Ulster Students' Union