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The University of Ulster has received a ‘First Class Honours’ award for the third year running in a UK-wide environmental impact league table.

The People and Planet Green League assesses the environmental and ethical performance of all UK universities annually, awarding first class ‘degrees’ to the most sustainable and a ‘fail’ to those doing the least to address their environmental and ethical impacts.

Ulster achieved joint 23rd position overall and was among 45 universities to achieve a first class award in the 2013 Green League. In the past year, the University of Ulster has made substantial advances in reducing its environmental impact, including:

Carbon emissions reduced by 1264 tonnes (7.1% reduction)

Mains water use reduced by 31.7%

8.55% of the University’s electricity came from on campus renewable sources

Business mileage by car reduced by 8.7%

The Green League rates universities on several key factors including environmental policy and management, curriculum, fair-trade and ethical procurement, and environmental performance in the areas of waste and recycling, energy and water consumption.

Measures contributing to Ulster’s performance include building insulation improvements, upgrades to lighting and controls, targeted energy audits to identify opportunities for improvement as well as an ongoing leak detection and repair programme.

Adrian Davis, Sustainability Manager at the University of Ulster, said:“Retaining the first class award for the third year running is very pleasing particularly as the scoring criteria continue to become more stringent.This demonstrates the University’s commitment to sustainability through continuous performance improvement. There is still much work to be done, and I would urge staff and students to engage with the various sustainability initiatives as they are brought forward.”

Notes to editors

(1) Ulster is ranked joint 23rd in the People and Planet Green League Table 2013, up from joint 31st in last year’s League Table.

(2) The People & Planet Green League is the only comprehensive and independent league table of UK universities ranked by environmental and ethical performance. It is compiled annually by the UK’s largest student campaigning network, People & Planet.

The full results, published in partnership with The Guardian, can be viewed at:

(3) People & Planet is the largest UK student network campaigning to end world poverty, defend human rights and protect the environment. Find out more: