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Gary McKeown and Jill Cunningham

University of Ulster communications student Jill Cunningham has been appointed as Student Ambassador by the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) Northern Ireland The role aims to support the development of future PR practitioners by providing a unique insight into Northern Ireland’s PR sector including hands-on work experience within CIPR NI committee member organisations.

Jill  will represent the University of Ulster's School of Communication  student sector on the CIPR NI committee and raise the profile of matters  facing young communicators.

Welcoming Jill into her new role, Gary McKeown, chairman, CIPR Northern Ireland committee, said:

“We  are pleased to work in partnership with the University of Ulster to  deliver our Student Ambassador Initiative and nurture upcoming talent  within the industry. It is important we engage directly with students  and respond effectively to their needs in order to secure a bright  future for the PR industry in Northern Ireland.

“We  are delighted to welcome Jill to the committee, where she will have an  exciting opportunity to contribute to the important work undertaken by  CIPR. She is currently undertaking a BSc (Hons) degree in Communication,  Advertising and Marketing and has already shown great initiative and  ambition obtaining valuable experience within the Institute of  Directors’ Young Business Forum, as her school’s Head Girl and in  developing and delivering digital media, marketing and PR strategies for  a range of local organisations.

“This  role will give Jill a valuable insight into PR in practice, enabling  her to develop her skills and work closely with senior PR professionals.  She will also work with fellow committee members on a range of events  and support CIPR engagement with students and people who are thinking  about a career in PR.”

“The  communications industry is highly competitive and we hope that our  Student Ambassador Initiative will help boost participants’ employment  prospects on leaving university,” said Gary.

Jill Cunningham, CIPR Northern Ireland Student Ambassador, said: “I  am delighted to undertake the role of Student Ambassador and represent  the student sector on the CIPR NI committee. This position will  strengthen links between the University of Ulster and CIPR, providing a  ‘voice’ for upcoming communicators hoping to establish themselves in  this competitive field.

"Throughout the year, I am looking forward to  hands-on experience in busy PR work environments as well as putting  forward my views on student needs and delivering communications  activities and events that will benefit them.”