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University Building

Hundreds of schoolchildren were given the chance to explore the world of higher education when they visited the Belfast campus at the University of Ulster this week.

Along with parents, teachers, careers advisors, practitioners and local industrialists they were introduced to the world of art, design and the built environment through a hugely successful information evening.

Visitors toured the impressive range of studios and workshops – demonstrating the University’s commitment to offering students the best education facilities across a number of disciplines including fine and applied art, fashion, design and architecture.

Current students and recent graduates showcased examples of their work and there was also a chance to see the new state-of-the art interaction and animation studio.

The event, which attracted over 800 visitors, was organised by the Faculty of Art, Design and the Built Environment and was the second in their series of information evenings, following the success of a recent School of the Built Environment event held at the Jordanstown campus.

Professor Paul Seawright, Head of School of Art and Design, welcomed visitors and said: “It is exciting to see such a great turnout and such a sustained interest in the School of Art and its courses.

“People nowrecognisethat creativity and innovation in art and design play a significant role in the development of oureconomy.

“Our emphasis this evening is on explaining how the University is responding to the needs of these new industries through its award winning courses.”