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Scholarships are available for a fully funded Masters in Professional Software Development at the University of Ulster’s Coleraine campus.

The Faculty of Computing and Engineering has secured funding from the Department for Education and Learning (DEL) for 32 scholarships. Graduates from any non-computing discipline are invited to apply for the full-time course which starts in September 2013.

Welcoming the DEL funding for the second consecutive year, Professor Richard Millar, Dean of the Faculty said it would help pave the way for skilled graduates to retrain and meet the growing needs of Northern Ireland’s vibrant software industry.

“This vote of confidence in Computing at Ulster should be welcomed by all. The first intake of students started in September 2012 and they are now due to graduate in a few weeks. A number of them have already secured employment and have their started induction training.

Professor Millar continued: “The demand for places on our computing courses has grown steadily in recent years but there is still a shortfall in the number of skilled graduates required to meet the needs of the Northern Ireland software industry.

“We are delighted that DEL is fundingplaces on the Masters in Professional Software Development for a second year and we are looking forward to building on the success of last year’s programme.

“The Masters in Professional Software Development is designed specifically for non-computing graduates to help bridge the gap between the industry’s demand for high-quality software developers and the supply of computing graduates.

“The University is producing a large number of high-quality computing graduates but the industry needs and can absorb even more. Our contacts and advisors in the software industry identified a need for more graduates and we have responded.

“While the main beneficiaries of this programme will be the graduates who are successful in gaining a scholarship, this initiative should also be seen as providing support for Northern Ireland’s burgeoning software industry.”

Northern Ireland is the leading foreign direct investment region in Europe for software development centres and IT technical support centres with over 900 companies currently operating in the sector.The one-year MSc course is aimed at graduates from a discipline other than computing (maximum of 50% by content) who wish to acquire significant skills in the development of software systems.

Martin McKinney, Head of School of Computing and Information Engineering, said he expects competition for funded places on the Masters in Professional Software Development to be very strong.

“This is a magnificent opportunity for graduates who wish to retrain as Software Developers.Staff in the School of Computing and Information Engineering at Coleraine have collaborated with colleagues at Jordanstown and Magee to design and deliver a course that is highly relevant to the needs of the local software industry. It is clear that graduates from this course will have real employment prospects on completion.”

Mr McKinney added: “Last year we attracted a number of excellent graduates who had an interest in and aptitude for developing quality software. A significant factor in their success has been personal motivation. This combination of interest, aptitude and motivation is vital to success.

“I am sure that competition for funded places will be strong so it is important that anyone interested in applying should submit their application as soon as possible.”

The closing date for applications for funded places on the MSc in Professional Software Development is August 23 2013. Each scholarship will cover the course’s full tuition fees. DEL funding is applicable for NI, GB and EU (including ROI) students.

For further information about the MSc in Professional Software Development and application details, telephone number to: 028 7012 4440 and the web link to: