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AS Level pupils from schools across Northern Ireland are taking part in an Irish language revision day hosted by academics from the University of Ulster.

Around 150 students and teachers from 11 schools will be divided into study groups with lecturers from the University’s School of Irish Language and Literature.

Dr Fionntán de Brún, lecturer in Irish at the University of Ulster said: “We will be giving tuition on the various elements of the AS Level syllabus, so as to give the pupils an intensive practice session ahead of the examinations in May/June.”

The Belfast campus will host the revision day, which will also have Irish language celebrity guests, BBC presenter Lynette Fay and YouTube singing sensation, JJ Ó Dochartaigh, who graduated from the University of Ulster’s Coleraine campus in 2009.

This event follows on from the success of University’s A2 Literature Day at Magee campus last week and highlights its commitment to supporting learners and teachers of Irish.

It was sponsored by examinations body CEA and Foras na Gaeilge, the body responsible for the promotion of the Irish language throughout the island of Ireland.