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The University of Ulster's first ever parents' evening proved a huge success when around 350 parents visited the Jordanstown campus this week.

They were given an insight into life at the University and were able to explore at first hand what each of its six Faculties has to offer.

The aim of the event was to promote the benefits of Ulster as ‘University of Choice’ and to engage with parents as main stakeholders

The parents of Year 10 - 13 schoolchildren were also given the opportunity to speak to representatives from Student Support, Sports Services, the International Office, Careers, Student Finance, Danske Bank, Accommodation and Employability and Marketing.

MC for the evening was UTV Presenter Paul Clark who introduced guest speakers Professor Richard Barnett (Vice-Chancellor), Denise McAlister (Pro-Vice Chancellor, Teaching and Learning) Professor Anne Moran (Pro-Vice Chancellor, Educational Partnerships and International Affairs and fourth year marketing student Aaron Bickerstaff.

After the formalities the floor was thrown open to the audience for a question and answer session and parents were then invited to browse numerous stands and join organised tours of the library.