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Business owners and professionals in Derry-Londonderry were guests at a talk on getting the most out of next year’s City of Culture events.

Northern Bank’s Chief Economist, Angela McGowan set the economic scene for local businesses in this region at the University of Ulster at the Magee campus this morning.

She outlined the main trends in the global, national and local economy and discuss the challenges, as well as the opportunities, for small and medium sized businesses operating in this region.

The breakfast networking event, which was held this morning, has been organised by the University’s Ulster Business School.

Speaking ahead of the talk, Dr Laura Bradley said: “This event is coming at an ideal time in light of the challenges faced by small businesses and the opportunities that exist. It is hoped the event will allow companies to find out more about the overall business environment and network with fellow business professionals, banking experts and Ulster Business School at Magee staff thereby allowing an opportunity to identify synergies and opportunities to help in maintaining their future success.

“This breakfast and networking event will focus on the challenges faced by small and medium sized enterprises, the opportunities available and ways to capitalise on these.”