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Identical twins Sinead and Sorcha Crilly from Lurgan have always been creative and have enjoyed a passion for art since childhood.

This morning, the two sisters will graduate together – Sinead with a BA Hons in Textiles and Fashion and Sorcha with a BA Hons in 3D Design (Interior).

Sinead explained: “Since we were very young, art and drawing have been our passion. There was never any other option for us but to continue to further education and study art.

“We both found our courses very enjoyable, but also challenging. I think a lot of people assume that anything art-related is just a fun, carefree degree, but it is definitely the most challenging thing either of us has ever done.

“It was a lot of hard work, but would not have it any other way and we both agree that the drawing aspect, such as the design and the CAD (computer aided design) development area of both of our courses were the bits we enjoyed most.”

Despite studying at the same time and on the same campus, Sinead insists that there was no sibling rivalry.

She said: “No we were definitely not competitive. We have always been very supportive of one another. We think of ourselves as one person.

“When Sorcha has exam results coming or an interview, I get even more nervous than her, hoping she'll do well. She’s exactly the same with me.”

Sinead continued: “Sorcha was just two floors up from me which was handy and our courses graduate on the same day so we get to celebrate together.

“We are used to celebrating all occasions together,” she laughs.

“Both of us are very grateful to our tutors, especially my tutor Alison Gault. I don't think I would have been able to finish my degree without her support and passion for the course.”