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Two academics in the School of Psychology at the University of Ulster’s Coleraine campus have been promoted to professorships.

Dr Mickey Keenan becomes a Professor of Behaviour Analysis and Dr Melanie Giles becomes a Professor of Psychology. Professor Keenan has an international reputation for his pioneering research and teaching in behaviour analysis. He has enjoyed a distinguished academic career at home and abroad where he has given keynote addresses in a range of topics in Norway, New Zealand, Portugal, India, USA, Italy, and Poland.

He holds both an undergraduate degree and doctorate in Psychology from the University of Ulster, graduating in 1976 and 1984 respectively. After a year of post-doctoral research at the University of Cologne in Germany on a European Exchange Fellowship, which was funded by the Royal Society of London, he joined the University of Ulster staff as a lecturer in 1985 and in 2002, he was appointed a senior lecturer.

Professor Keenan is well known for his many years of public advocacy in the media and academia for autistic children and their parents. Since founding the charity Parents’ Education as Autism Therapists (PEAT)in 1997, Professor Keenan has been involved in the fight for science-based practice for children and their families affected by autism.

He was the lead researcher for a major EU grant from Leonardo’s Lifelong Learning Programme, STAMPPP (Science and the Treatment of Autism: a Multimedia Package for Parents and Professionals STAMPP), which developed a unique teaching programme for parents and carers of children with autism. The package, 'Simple Steps' is being translated for parents and professionals in Spain, Norway, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Italy and Iceland.

A Fellow of the British Psychology Society, the Ulster academic was recently elected to the Board of Trustees of the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies - an international charitable, non-profit organisation based in Massachussetts, USA, that harnesses the expertise of hundreds of behavioural scientists to solve problems in the home, school, community and the workplace.

He has been the recipient of a number of prestigious awards, including the Award for Public Service in Behavior Analysis from the Society for Advancement in Behavior Analysis (2008), the Personal Achievement Award from the New York State Association for Behavior Analysis (2008), A Distinguished Community Fellowship from the University of Ulster (2002), the Award for Promoting Equality of Opportunity from The British Psychological Society (2002).

Professor Keenan has published extensively in leading international journalsand he isan Associate Editor with responsibility for Europe/Australia/New Zealand of Behaviour and Social Issues, a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal.

His interest in behaviour analysis spans a wide range of topics outside of autism and currently he is investigating issues in the study of creativity. He has just published a new interactive book ‘Behaviour Analysis: A Primer’ that is available from the iTunes book store.

Following his appointment, Professor Keenan said: "It is heart warming to know that my university colleagues have acknowledged the important role that behaviour analysts like myself can play in reaching out to the community."

A native of Magherafelt in County Londonderry, Professor Keenan lives in Portrush with his wife, Karola Dillenburger, who is a Professor of Behaviour Analysis and Education at Queen’s University, Belfast.