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The ‘Potions and Explosions Science’ show hosted by the University of Ulster, in partnership with the Royal Society of Chemistry, went off with a bang with all the ingredients for a fun filled family event  – plenty of  noise, fizzing foam, revolting slime, and even a fire-breathing dragon.

Several hundred youngsters – and their parents – watched in awe as Science Magician Sue McGrath and the brave volunteers carried out experiments to reveal the wonders and magic of chemistry. 

The interactive family show at the Jordanstown campus, one of a number of events organised by the University to mark International Chemistry Year 2011, proved that learning about science can be fun and enjoyable.

Event organiser Dr Tony Byrne, a Reader in Ulster’s School of Engineering and Chairperson of the RSC’s NI Section Trust said: “The event was a great success, and I hope it’ll help children enjoy science more and maybe even encourage some of them to think about science as a future career.

“STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Maths) subjects are the building blocks for a successful economy, so it’s important that young people are motivated to enjoy these subjects. 

"The feedback from the show has been excellent and we’ve already had some enquiries from parents wanting to book places for next year.” 

Magician Sue McGrath looks on as a budding young scientist marvels at the magic of chemistry at the University of Ulster’s Potions and Explosions Chemistry show.