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The directors behind two of the most talked about television dramas in recent years delivered an inspirational filmmaking masterclass at the University of Ulster Coleraine, on Monday December 12.

A huge group of students and young people welcomed writer/directors Alex Garcia and Wayne Yip, the team behind BAFTA award winning E4 series, ‘Misfits’ and ITV’s ‘Secret Diary of a Call Girl’, to the campus, where the talented duo shared their skills and took part in a lively Q&A session with the audience.

The visit by Alex and Wayne was a major coup for the University’s School of Media, Film and Journalism at Coleraine and shows the high regard in which the School is held by masterclass organisers, Film Nation: Shorts – a project funded by the London Organisation Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG).

Run in partnership with Panasonic, the Film Nation: Shorts series includes a filmmaking competition offering everyone who enters the chance to have their work shown around the UK. Winning films will be screened in front of the crowds in venues during the Olympic and Paralympic Games in London in 2012.

University of Ulster lecturer, Jim Curran said: “The masterclass with Alex and Wayne was fantastic.

“The guys gave an amazing overview and insight into their careers and were very nice afterwards and stuck around to chat with everybody.

“Many students told me that they found the event inspirational and I have invited Alex and Wayne back in 2013 as part of the Derry City of Culture year.”

Wayne and Alex also thoroughly enjoyed their trip to Coleraine.

Said Wayne: “Both Alex and I were very honoured and excited to speak to young people at the Film Nation Masterclass in Coleraine.

“We were very impressed by the enthusiasm of everyone we met.

“The world of film and television is tough and exciting and can be incredibly rewarding. We hope that what said was entertaining and helpful… well, at least entertaining!”

*For information about the Film Nation: Shorts project and competition, go to: