A practical book on nursing, co-authored by a University of Ulster academic, has won a prestigious global award.
Professor Brendan McCormack’s ‘Clinical context for evidence-based nursing practice’ has been named the 2011 winner of The Capstone International Nursing Book Award.
Co-authored by Professor Bridie Kent, Deakin University, Australia, the book is an invaluable resource for nurses and other health care professionals on how to implement research into practice in the work place.
Sigma Theta Tau International [STTI] Honor Society of Nursing, a worldwide nursing association, is behind the Award which recognises the excellence of one outstanding book published by the organisation.
Professor McCormack, Director of Ulster’s Institute of Nursing Research, said: “I am delighted with this award and the recognition it brings to the work of evidence-based practice in nursing. For too long, the complexity of the system within which nurses and midwives work has not been given due consideration and this book is a significant step in addressing that. It is wrong to expect individual nurses to embrace research without the system being in place to support them to do so.
“The book uncovers and unravels the complexity of different settings in which people receive health care, such as hospital wards, nursing homes, community settings and clinics. Modern health care is complex and this complexity comes to life in the practice setting, that is, the place where people receive health care.
“These settings have challenges associated with effective communication, relationships between service users and different professionals, decision-making systems, the use of technology and the way the organisation supports professional development and quality monitoring. It looks at these issues from the perspectives of different groups, such as, children, older people, people with mental health needs and pregnant women.”
STTI promotes the education of nurses and international nursing leadership around the world. It publishes a variety of resources that are focused on advancing nursing knowledge and practice, including innovative textbooks. Each year one of the books is chosen for The Capstone International Nursing Book Award.
Professor McCormack’s book was one of a series on evidence-based practice published by STTI, jointly with Wiley-Blackwell Publishers.
The Award will be officially presented in October at the nursing association’s 41st Biennial Convention in Texas, USA.