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Some of the stock market options open to businesses looking to raise equity to expand will be discussed at a Knowledge Club seminar at the University of Ulster’s Jordanstown campus on Friday October 1.

Keynote speaker at the event will be Mark Fahy (pictured), Senior Manager, UK Small & Mid Cap Companies at the London Stock Exchange. His presentation will look at why companies choose to float on the stock market, which market to choose, and the benefits and issues, with a specific focus on AIM and its structure and entry regulations.

The event, hosted by the University of Ulster's Office of Innovation and Belfast law firm Carson McDowell, is a ‘must attend’ event for any business interested in equity raising opportunities, says Ulster’s Director of Innovation, Tim Brundle.

He says: “There are three stock markets in the UK - the London Stock Exchange, which is generally populated by large companies, the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) and PLUS. AIM and PLUS are specifically designed for smaller companies.

“Flotation can offer capital raising potential, increased business profile and status, and staff motivation opportunities through share issue. However, many businesses in Northern Ireland who may be suitable for this equity option, do not realise that this option is available for them so this Knowledge Club event is designed to raise awareness about all their equity options.”

The panel will look at all other areas of financial assistance and support for small, medium and large business, from early stage idea through to developing a business plan.

Other panellists will include Corporate Broker Tony Quirke of finnCap who will discuss shareholders, their investment methodologies, what information they expect and when they expect it, as well as aftermarket and liquidity.  Frank Flynn, Finance Director for AssetCo, a recent AIM company, will give his personal insight and experiences of AIM Finance. Stuart Deed, Managing Director of Launch Point, an early stage entrepreneurial development company will provide some ‘hands on’ commercial and managerial advice for businesses. Jon Brooks, Managing Director of Datactics, a University of Ulster spinout company, will advise on how to develop an early stage idea into a business proposition, focussing on areas of assistance; and securing financial commitment and funding.

The seminar will be held in the Loughview Suite, Jordanstown Campus from 10.00 to 1.00 on Friday, October 1 2010.

There is no charge for this event but places will be strictly limited.  To register for this Knowledge Club event, please contact Freda Casey on 02890 366982 or email