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Interested in teaching or working with young people in the future? Want to develop those ‘soft skills’ that employers are so keen on? Then why not take part in the ‘Tutoring in Schools’ Programme (2010/11)?

Tutoring in Schools is a project-based programme that provides invaluable experience to University of Ulster students who are interested in teaching, social work, youth or community work or who just want to improve their employability (self-confidence and communication skills).

Students normally complete a placement of 32 hours over 10 weeks in a local school, which will commence in the second semester of the academic year 2010/ 11.

Projects are available at many primary, secondary and special needs schools across Northern Ireland and may be viewed at Alternatively students can propose and design, in collaboration with the school of their choice, projects that reflect their own academic interests.  When the project is agreed, the school will then post it on the Project Directory.

This year we are also introducing a scheme within the Faculty of Computing and Engineering and would particularly welcome applications from students with a computing or engineering background.

'This year we have been working closely with the Faculty of Comp & Eng to identify new/enhanced opportunities for students from this Faculty to take part in TiS.  Recognising the importance of STEM based disciplines to the future economy, schools have come forward with a range of innovative and imaginative ways in which students from Ulster can contribute to the deliver of STEM/ICT within the curriculum and thus raise the aspirations for the next generation of learners to consider higher education/career in this important area'  We would particularly welcome applications from students with a computing or engineering background for this area. 

Further details can be obtained at or by contacting Mrs. Elaine Wilson, Tutoring in Schools Co-ordinator at 028 7032 4342. 

Applications should be completed online in the relevant section of the TiS webpage and completed AccessNI forms forwarded to The Tutoring in Schools Co-ordinator, Room J402, University of Ulster, Cromore Road, Coleraine, BT52 1SA, together with a passport or original birth certificate.