A new interactive online quiz to test school pupils on citizenship studies has been launched thanks to a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) between the University of Ulster and local company Foyle Technologies.
The game-based quiz, called PlayLearnWin, gives teenagers a chance to win prizes by answering questions on a range of citizenship topics, was officially launched recently in the Titanic Quarter’s Science Park.
Kathryn Kavanagh, from Foyle Technologies, is the KTP graduate spearheading the initiative, with the support of Dr Roger Austin from the University’s School of Education and Dr Darryl Charles from the School of Computing and Information Engineering.
Dr Austin said: “The quiz had been created to be a helpful resource for teachers of citizenship and PGCE students who are preparing to go into schools to teach the subject. Further quizzes using a similar format are already in the pipeline on STEM."
The quiz is sponsored by a wide range of organisations involved in citizenship studies including; the PSNI, the Police Ombudsman’s office, the Policing Board, Foras na Gaelige, the Ulster Scots Association and the Northern Ireland Fire Service among others.
The Knowledge Transfer Partnership is a UK wide scheme which seeks to promote links between higher education and business through the development of partnerships between companies and academics.
Foyle Technologies, based in the Northern Ireland Science Park, Belfast, is a specialist provider of data quality and e-business integration software services.
Schools wishing to take part in the project should contact Kathryn Kavanagh by emailing Kathryn@eduincentive.com or go direct to the PlayLearnWin website at www.playlearnwin.com .