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Graduation day is a milestone for any student and the family of University of Ulster student, Keith Johnston, have plenty to celebrate this week. Keith, who suffers from cerebral palsy and uses an electric wheelchair to get about, was awarded a first class honours degree in Computing at the University’s summer graduation ceremonies at the Coleraine campus.  

Professor David Bustard, Head of School, Computing and Information Engineering at Coleraine, says Keith had shown great strength of character and independence and that his determination to succeed was an inspiration to other students.  

“Since coming to University in September 2006, Keith has blossomed. He has consistently performed well. His work is of an exceptionally high standard in all aspects of his studies but he is an especially strong and naturally gifted computer programmer.

Keith is an excellent team player and often brings a strong degree of maturity and experience to the group dynamic.” Keith, a past pupil of the Royal School Dungannon and the Integrated College Dungannon, plans to return to university in the autumn to start working towards his PhD.