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MSc Business Development and Innovation graduates including (from left)  Donal O'Sullivan, Baxter Healthcare Ltd, Linda Jamison, InvestNI, Shelley McMurray, He-Shi Enterprises, and Craig Fairless  of the University of Ulster celebrate receiving their degrees.

FOR ULSTER'S  first MSc Business Development and Innovation graduates, innovation is at the heart of business growth and success.

The graduates, drawn from all parts of the business community include entrepreneurs, small business owners as well as managers from the public sector and global businesses and all share view that business development in the current climate requires a focus on innovation.

According to graduate Donal O’Sullivan, Senior Product Specialist from Baxter Health Care Ltd;

“Innovation can encompass the whole spectrum of modifications and improvements to transforming the way we do things.  True innovation delivers real customer value and competitive advantage. The MSc course has challenged my assumptions and brought new thinking to my work role.”

Shelley McMurray, owner of the He-Shi Cosmetics brand has also benefitted from the course in very practical ways and particularly from the study visit to Babson College, Boston, the leading centre for entrepreneurship education and training globally and strategic partner with Ulster.

“For me a key aspect of the course was the study visit to Babson and the opportunity to discuss my business development plans with US business growth experts.  After the visit I was able to take forward these innovative new ideas in my final dissertation.”

Dr Adele Dunn, Course Director of the MSc Business Development and Innovation programme explains why the programme is particularly valuable in the current environment:

“With encouraging signs of economic recovery now emerging, it's an ideal time for business managers to challenge their thinking and look for new markets, new products and new ways of doing business.  The course addresses these crucial issues in a ‘business friendly’ style that can be paced to individual needs.”