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The University of Ulster is offering creative writers and song-writers the opportunity to develop their craft as part of the annual Talks and Tours programme.Paul Herron, a singer/song-writer from Derry, will lead a workshop for musicians and song-writers. Paul plays with traditional band Fadud,  a group of musicians from the north west of Ireland who perform a powerful blend of beautifully arranged traditional tunes from Ireland and Scotland, as well as their own compositions.

In his workshop, which is aimed at both aspiring artists as well as or more seasoned song-writers, Paul will discuss some of the songs he has written and describe how he wrote them. He will also discuss how to arrange the music for songs once the lyrics are written and look at effective singing and delivery. Janet Mackle, Cultural Development Officer at Coleraine, said: “The collaborative style of this workshop with the opportunities for discussion and demonstration will offer practical support for anyone who has already written or attempted to write their own songs, poems or music. Musicians are encouraged to bring their instruments.”

Jenni Doherty, who is part of the live poetry performance circuit and has toured all over Ireland, the UK and Australia, will lead The Wonderful World of Worders workshop. Currently working in publishing she also has a background in journalism and has been widely published in many disciplines. Her first solo collection of poetry and prose, Rain Spill , was published in May 2010.This workshop will stimulate creative thinking and encourage participants to explore various themes and styles of writing using techniques devised to assist writers to create micro-stories or poems on any subject.  From these beginnings participants can complete a short story or poem or develop the idea for a novel at a later stage.

Janet added: “Participants will also receive advice on entering writing competitions, hints on getting published and a complimentary copy of The Wonderful World of Worders.  The workshop is suitable for anyone who enjoys writing at any level and wants to develop their skills.”

Both workshops will take place on the University’s Coleraine campus and are suitable for those over 18 years old.  The song-writing workshop will take place on Saturday 24 July and The Wonderful World of Worders will take place on Saturday 31 July.  There are a limited number of places available for each workshop so advance booking is required.  If you would like to reserve a place please phone: 028 7032 4449. For further information or to reserve a place please phone Cultural Development, Coleraine on:  028 7032 4449 or log on to: and click on Talks and Tours.