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Children from a disadvantaged background are to get a sporting boost thanks to the University of Ulster and charity Sport Relief.

Ulster’s successful Sports Outreach programme has secured £4,500 from the charity, to deliver a six-week healthy lifestyle physical activity programme in primary schools in areas of social disadvantage.

The initiative, which will run from Easter, will be delivered by University of Ulster students, providing valuable experience for both student and pupil.

Richard Gormley, Ulster Sports Outreach Unit Manager, said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for the Outreach Unit to involve even more schools in our programme through this exciting new initiative.

“Emma O’Brien, who is the Ulster Sports Outreach Programme Coordinator, came up with an excellent programme proposal and we are delighted this resulted in a successful application to Sports Relief UnLtd. The funding we have received ensures that the programme can be delivered throughout Northern Ireland and engage many primary school children.”

In addition to physical activity sessions, pupils will be engaged in Community Assemblies aimed at tackling pertinent social issues, which the primary schools have deemed necessary to address, such as bullying, anti-social behaviour or even nutrition education.

The Sport Relief UnLtd Awards are funded by Comic Relief and provide opportunities for young people to bring communities together, to help promote understanding and solve problems through sport, arts and recreational activities.