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The University of Ulster says today's official transfer of lands at Clooney to Foyle and Londonderry College marks a vital stage in its plans for major expansion of the Magee campus.

The College's migration to Clooney in the Waterside will free up 30 acres of much needed space for the growth of third level education in the city. When the College moves, the University intends to acquire vacated land at Northland Road and develop it as the centrepiece of Magee's expansion. 

Plans include two new research institutes, rapid growth in student numbers and innovative new degree and study courses. Magee's growth will also significantly strengthen the campus's central role in consolidating and developing Derry as a "knowledge city".

Professor Deirdre Heenan, Dean of Academic Development at Magee, speaking at the official handover, attended by the Minister for Education, Caitriona Ruane and Minister for Social Development, Margaret Ritchie, said: "Today’s Ministerial event marking the transfer of land at Clooney to Foyle & Londonderry College will not only facilitate the creation of a flagship education campus but will also move development of Magee campus a step further to fruition.

"I am absolutely delighted, as acquisition of Foyle & Londonderry lands mean we will almost double our physical presence in the city and is a further reflection of our commitment to Magee campus. 

"Through this development the University can realise its ambition to be a catalyst for economic, social and cultural regeneration in the North West. This is a fantastic day for everyone who has worked for an expansion of higher education in the city and region and an integral part in realising our ambitious plans for growth and expansion in the City. 

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Principal of Foyle and the Board of Governors for their continuing support and wish them well with their endeavour.  While we will no longer be ‘close’ neighbours, there is no doubt that we will continue to work together to promote first class education."

The University development plans for Magee include:
* The creation of an Institute of Sustainable Technologies
* The creation of an Institute of Health and Wellbeing
* Expansion of Computing, Electronics and Software
* Expansion of Creative Technologies and Animation
* Expansion in business and professional services