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One of Northern Ireland’s top sustainable development advisors has been appointed a Visiting Professor at the University of Ulster. 

Jim Kitchen, who is Director of the Sustainable Development Commission (SDC) in Northern Ireland, takes up the post in the Faculty of Art, Design and the Built Environment. 

The SDC is the government’s independent advisory body on sustainability and Professor Kitchen’s expertise is utilised in the areas of climate change, the built environment and related issues such as transport and housing.  

He works closely with all government departments to develop and enhance policies which have real environmental, social, and economic benefits.  

Welcoming the appointment Professor Ian Montgomery, Dean of the Faculty of Art, Design and the Built Environment at Ulster said: “We are delighted to have appointed someone of Professor Kitchen’s calibre and experience to the Faculty and have no doubt that he will make a significant contribution over the next three years. 

“Working with the Schools of Art and Design, the Built Environment and Architecture and Design, Professor Kitchen will provide our students with the opportunity to gain an insight into the key issues around sustainable development which impact on public policy making at every level. 

“We are sure that Professor Kitchen’s passion for sustainable development and his many years of practical experience in the field will be a great asset to the University of Ulster.”