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STRATEGIC focus, innovation and determination are the most important qualities in growing a successful global software business, according to Lagan Technologies founder and former Chief Technology Officer David Moody.

The software entrepreneur was speaking as he visited the Jordanstown campus  to meet  MSc  Business Development and Innovation students and course alumni.

Recently acquired by a  California-based group Kana Software,  Lagan Technologies is one of Northern Ireland’s fastest  growing software companies.

The Ulster Business School event  which coincided with the announcement of David’s new role as Vice  President for Solutions in Kana worldwide provided an opportune time to  reflect on the development of Lagan Techologies.

Founded in  1994, Lagan is based in Belfast, Northern Ireland, with offices in  London, Washington and Chicago.  Lagan is the global leader in  government to citizen technology and this is central to their vision  according to Mr Moody:

“Arriving at our vision in  2006 was literally an epiphany for us, a lot of start up companies find  it very difficult to say no and define actually what you are going to do  and what you are not going to do.  When you are scrambling for cash you  will do anything: if you do that your problems start there, and they  will only compound. “

Speaking on the lessons learned from  the successful growth and development of the business in recent years,Mr Moody  highlighted the challenging environment in US and how the business  had successfully reached into other global markets such as  Australia

“The recession challenged us to become more innovative with  our solutions and to seek new markets and this is now paying off for us  and we have just secured some of our biggest deals ever.”

Speaking  after the event, MSc Business Development and Innovation course  participant Michael Conway, Principal Engineer at AVX,  said:  “David  has provided us with an incredible insight into the challenges and  rewards of growing a global business, their innovation and determination  is highly inspirational.”

According to Course Director Dr Adele Dunn, Northern Ireland businesses have a lot to learn from Lagan: “In  2009 David worked with us to produce a case study of the business we  are delighted he has came back to finish this chapter of Lagan’s  development and give us an insight into the future with Kana.

"There  is rich learning for anyone interested in business growth.”