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Professor Kader Parahoo joined the University in 1986 and, until recently, was Director of the Institute of Nursing Research.  He led the Institute to outstanding success in the 2008 national Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) where Nursing was placed third in the UK, with 100% of research activity judged to be ‘internationally excellent’ and 40% rated as ‘world-leading’.

Professor Parahoo is a well-known and respected researcher and research leader, nationally and internationally. He has made a significant contribution to research in chronic illness – particularly conditions such as stroke, cancer and depression. He has over 100 publications, including 80 in peer-reviewed journals, seven book chapters and 19 research reports. His book Nursing Research: Principles, Process and Issues has sold almost 70,000 copies and  is a required textbook on a number of university reading lists across the UK and abroad.

Since his appointment, Professor Parahoo has supervised 15 and advised two PhD students to successful completion of their studies.  He has also been hugely successful in obtaining over £3.4million in external funding for research activities.  Under his leadership, the Institute of Nursing Research attracted almost £13million in external funding.

On the international stage, he is a founding member of the European Academy of Nursing Sciences.  He was a World Health Organisation (WHO) consultant of research utilisation and evidence-based practice in Jordan.  He has conducted workshops in Egypt, delivered keynote addresses in Malaysia and Brunei and has just recently returned from delivering academic training in Taiwan at the request of the Taiwanese Nurses Association.

As Director of the Institute of Nursing Research he has proved his ability to lead a research team and, through this leadership role, has continually advanced the profile of nursing research at Ulster.  

A gallery of images from the 2010 Winter Graduation ceremonies can be viewed at: