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Professor Paul Moore joined the University in 1999 and is currently Head of the School of Creative Arts. Today he receives a Distinguished Teaching Fellowship in recognition of his work.

The key theme in his teaching and learning work has been the relationship between theory and practice, a focus which led to the development of the Creative Technologies degree on the Magee campus in 2007.
His main research interests are sound art, the digital arts and, in particular, the relationship between sonic experience and identity.  Most recently his research work has become more exhibition-based which has included extensive work on how emerging technologies have impacted on teaching and learning in England, South Africa and Namibia.
Professor Moore has been a member of key committees, boards and panels both at national and international level.  He has helped shape policies through his membership of the Northern Ireland Film and Television Commission (now Screen NI), the Ofcom Content Board, and as a member of the government’s Digital Britain Media Literacy Working Group.  The Digital Participation Strategy for NI, which he wrote in collaboration with Ofcom, was published in April 2010.
He has delivered a number of digital learning workshops at UK universities and keynote addresses across the globe. He has published a wide range of papers on topics as diverse as children’s television (presented in Argentina) and media literacy (presented in Greece).

In his spare time he is a presenter for BBC Radio Ulster and Radio Foyle and has written and presented documentaries for Radio Ulster and BBC Radio 5 Live.

A gallery of images from the 2010 Winter Graduation ceremonies can be viewed at: