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Since his appointment in 2005, Dr David Barr has made a significant contribution to teaching at Ulster – particularly in the development of effective multimedia approaches to facilitating student learning

Initially he taught French within the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures but now teaches within the School of Media, Film and Journalism.

He has piloted a number of technology-enhanced teaching initiatives, including the use of Skype to provide studies advice to students on their intercalary year and has developed banks of learning resources that are now used by universities throughout the UK.  As the teaching and learning coordinator for the Faculty of Arts, he has played an important role in enhancing the overall learning experience for students in the Faculty.

Dr Barr is currently the UK representative for the European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning, as well as a member of the academic advisory board of the international ReCALL journal and  a reviewer for two of the other four major international journals in this area.  As a result of his reputation in multimedia pedagogy, he was awarded the WorldCALL (World Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning) conference in 2013, which he will host in Glasgow.

Dr Barr has enhanced the international profile of Ulster through his editorships and membership of high-profile bodies and panels.  He has published one book and a range of internationally peer-reviewed articles and has disseminated his research findings beyond these shores, having led workshops on software and the design of course materials throughout Europe and North America.

A gallery of images from the 2010 Winter Graduation ceremonies can be viewed at: