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Three of Wall Street’s top finance experts from BNY Mellon will visit the University of Ulster in Belfast this week to deliver in-depth analyses and offer insights into the recovering world economy.

Leading the New York delegation from BNY Mellon Alternative Investment Services is Brian Ruane, Executive Vice President and CEO, who will speak on the  ‘Financial Market Turmoil and The Road to Recovery: A View from One Wall Street’.

His colleague Carol Andrews, Managing Director and Head of Global Client Services, will discuss Alternative Investment Services Business, and Alan Flanagan, Managing Director and Head of Private Equity Fund Services Product Management, will focus on Private Equity Fund Services.

One Wall St. is BNY Mellon’s address at the heart of New York’s financial district.

The event takes place at the Belfast campus of the University of Ulster on Wednesday 28 April at 11am.

Brian Ruane said: “I am delighted to be a guest speaker at the University of Ulster.

"We will discuss the road to recovery from the financial crisis, the importance of the alternative investment arena and some key initiatives BNY Mellon has recently announced.

"BNY Mellon is dedicated to creating and participating in forums for industry thought leadership. Discussing the evolving marketplace with students, who have the potential to be future leaders of the business world, is a perfect place to share our thoughts and engage in a lively discussion."

Philip Hamill, Professor of Finance and Investment at the University of Ulster, said:

“We’re very excited about this high-level visit to the University from BNY Mellon. It’s an excellent opportunity for students to hear about the causes of the recent market turmoil and the road to recovery directly from Wall Street, as well as to discuss the range of high-valued added graduate career opportunities available in the financial services sector.”

The financial services team at the University recently finalised the development of the global securities operations in-house training programme for Citi Belfast, another world-leading financial powerhouse. Increasingly, says Hamill, international firms require specially-tailored training programmes to ensure they have a workforce with the skills they need to compete.

“Major firms choose to work with the University of Ulster because we are committed to providing the responsive education system required to achieve jobs growth and economic prosperity."

The University of Ulster Executive Speaker series has also received the support of Declan Kelly, US Economic Envoy to Ireland: “BNY Mellon is one of the world's premier financial services companies and its involvement with University of Ulster is a great example of the collaboration taking place between U.S. corporations and Northern Ireland universities.

"This event will provide a tremendous opportunity for students to gain perspective on the financial markets from industry leaders and for an exchange of ideas on the future drivers of economic growth,” he said.

The Executive Speaker series has been organised by the Office of Innovation at the University of Ulster.


Notes for Editors

1 Professor Philip Hamill is available for interview: contact him via the University of Ulster Press Office on 028 90 366074 or 07808 911 343

Biographical information

Brian Ruane Formerly Head of Global Client Management for North America and for the previous five years Head of Financial Institutions, Brian was appointed Chief Executive of BNY Mellon Alternative Investment Services (AIS) in autumn 2009. Brian is a graduate of The Chartered Association of Certified Accountants in the UK and Ireland and received his MBA in International Banking and Finance from The Frank G. Zarb School of Business, New York in 1995.

BNY Mellon AIS

BNY Mellon Alternative Investment Services (AIS) is a leading hedge fund administrator with more than $250 billion in assets under administration and an extensive global presence. The company offers a wide range of accounting, cash management, collateral management, custody, corporate trust, asset management and wealth management services to the hedge fund industry.

BNY Mellon

BNY Mellon is the corporate brand of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. BNY Mellon is a global financial services company focused on helping clients manage and service their financial assets, operating in 34 countries and serving more than 100 markets. It has $22.4 trillion in assets under custody and administration, $1.1 trillion in assets under management, services $11.8 trillion in outstanding debt, and processes global payments averaging $1.5 trillion per day. More at