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CORRECTION MUST ( corrects placing of student) :University of Ulster student  Paula Lynch was one of the top UK students in the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants examinations.  CIMA is the world’s leading and largest professional body of Management Accountants.

Paula who is Finance Manager with Lisburn company Xperience, is studying for her professional CIMA exams at Jordanstown on a part time basis.

She was placed 9th place in the UK out of a total entry of 3,545 with a score of 81% in Integrated Management. Paula also sat CIMA exams in Financial Analysis and Management Accounting Decision Management scoring 76% and 74% respectively.

The consistently high quality of teaching at the University of Ulster’s Department of Accounting at Jordanstown was acknowledged at the recent Chartered Institute of Management Accountants’ annual awards dinner.

The University of Ulster, which ranks globally as the one of the top CIMA tuition providers, collected the award for Top NI CIMA Tuition Provider. This was on the basis of marks attained by its students in CIMA exams, which were the 6th highest marks out of a total of 245 CIMA colleges worldwide.

Maurice Smyth, CIMA Course Director at Jordanstown, said he was very pleased that Ulster’s dedicated CIMA team had been recognised for the high quality of their tuition.

According to Ray Baxter, President of CIMA in Northern Ireland, universities and colleges are helping to nurture exceptional accountancy talent.

“Northern Ireland needs a vibrant management accountancy profession that is at the top of its game to help rebuild a successful local economy and address the financial challenges that lie ahead. Management accountants can play a pivotal role in that re-growth,” he said.

The Northern Ireland branch of CIMA has 1,500 members and student members. It works closely with employers and sponsors to conduct leading-edge research, constantly updating its qualification, professional experience requirements and continuing professional development.