What we do

  • Support

    We work with local organisations to build their capacity to design, develop and deliver high-quality and evidence-informed early childhood development (ECD) programmes in partnership with local communities, researchers and a wide range of local stakeholders.

  • Research

    We work with local researchers to build their capacity to work in partnership with local organisations to undertake research to inform the development of ECD programmes and to conduct robust evaluations of their effectiveness and impact.

  • Guidance

    We connect organisations and researchers working on ECD programmes in low- and middle-income countries impacted by conflict around the world to support them in sharing their learning and to draw out broader lessons and guidance.

  • Advocacy

    We work with a wide range of stakeholders globally to bring evidence to bear in raising awareness of the potential for investment in ECD programmes to contribute to sustainable development and peacebuilding and to advocate for change in policy and practice.

Sharing our Approach

Early Childhood Development Advances The Culture of Peace, Open House Conference, Yale University

LINKS, in partnership with ECPC, UNICEF and Yale hosted an event in New Haven in November 2018 that brought together 25 speakers to share their experiences on how ECD programmes can promote peacebuilding. All the presentations can be viewed on the ECPC website. The two presentations below, provided by the LINKS team, provide an overview of our approach with examples from some of our partner countries.

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Overview of our approach
Examples of our work in practice