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With over 27,000 students and 2,700 staff dispersed across 3 campuses and the Jordanstown Sports Village, the University’s day to day activities have a considerable impact on the environment, society and the economy, both locally in Northern Ireland and globally.

Through our People, Place and Partnership Strategy, the University is committed to EDI by "taking proactive stances on equality, diversity, and inclusion: because togetherness and partnership enrich us and our work”, as well as being compliant with Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998.

The EDI in the Curriculum Toolkit is underpinned by socially just and critical pedagogies, universal design for learning and trauma informed pedagogies.

The EDI Toolkit consists of seven pillars to support staff to embed EDI across learning, teaching and assessment practices within modules and programmes.

The EDI Toolkit encourages staff to critialy reflect on their module through an EDI lens.

EDI Toolkit Structure

Circle Infographic for the EDI Toolkit Structure. Centre title, EDI Toolkit in the Curriculum Toolkit. Outer 6 Pillars of the toolkit, Feedback for learner agency. Inclusive and accessible design. Belonging and community. Student voice and students as partners. Relevant and global curriculum. Inclusive and authentic assessment. Outer ring, how to become an ally and advocate? Why is EDI important? What are the drivers? What does EDI mean? Who is responsible? Final ring, Inclusive Staffing. Inclusive systems. Inclusive structures. Inclusive Processes.

The Toolkit is a move away from a one size fits all approach by maximising learning and minimising barriers. It recognises and celebrates learner variability and incorporates flexibility in the ways learners access material, how they engage with their learning, and how they demonstrate their knowledge.

The Toolkit is in alignment with the wider instiutional EDI committments, graduate attributes and the university values. There is also a strong alingment with the student EDI programme on offer to all enrolled Ulster students.

Staff can access support for EDI in their modules and programmes through the Learning Enhancement Directorate via the staff below:

Tracy Galvin, Lecturer in Higher Education Practice