Quality Enhancement is responsible for the monitoring of quality assurance and enhancement arrangements in partner institutions which have been approved to offer Ulster University award-bearing courses.
Quality Enhancement manages the processes for Institutional Recognition, those for monitoring through Annual Course Review and the Programme Management System, and supports the work of the Collaborative Partnerships Forum.
The Academic Office is responsible for quality assurance arrangements in respect of initial approval and re-validation of such courses. The Partnership Handbook details University policies and procedures for the approval, management and monitoring of courses.
Follow the links for information on:
- Annual Course Review
- Collaborative Partnerships Forum
Collaborative Provision Register provided through the webpage for partner institutions
Institutional Approval
- Institutional Re-Approval
- Partnership Managers
- Statistics (UU staff only)
Documentation for HE Co-ordinators:
- Responsibilities of HE Co-ordinators
- University Expectations of Staff Teaching on Ulster University Approved Programmes
Documentation for Partner Institutions:
- Appendix 2A - Foundation Degree
- Annual Notification of Course Delivery Team
- APEL Submissions Proforma
- Conventions for the Naming of Staff and Students in Minutes
- GCSE Acceptable Evidence to Meet GCSE Requirements (includes example of correctly certified document)
- GCSE Verification Form for Applicant
- GCSE Verification Form for Partner Quality Manager
- Guidelines for the Management of Subject Networks
- Penalties for Exceeding Word Limits and Guidance on Workload Equivalence
- Principles for the Management of Two-Year, Three-Semester, Part-Time Foundation Degrees
Requirements for Examination Broadsheets
- Staff/Student Consultative Committee Terms of Reference and Model Agenda
- Staff/Student Consultative Committee Action List
- Table of Equivalences for Entry to Undergraduate Programmes Based on Year 1 Admission to Full-Time Degrees
- University's Revised SENDO Guidance Booklet for Staff
- Verification of Published Information Form