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Quality Enhancement is responsible for the monitoring of quality assurance and enhancement arrangements in partner institutions which have been approved to offer Ulster University award-bearing courses.

Quality Enhancement manages the processes for Institutional Recognition, those for monitoring through Annual Course Review and the Programme Management System, and supports the work of the Collaborative Partnerships Forum.

The Academic Office is responsible for quality assurance arrangements in respect of initial approval and re-validation of such courses.  The Partnership Handbook details University policies and procedures for the approval, management and monitoring of courses.

Follow the links for information on:

Institutional Approval

Documentation for HE Co-ordinators:

Documentation for Partner Institutions:

Requirements for Examination Broadsheets

In this section

Institutional Approval image

Institutional Approval

Quality Enhancement is responsible for the monitoring of quality assurance and enhancement arrangements in partner institutions which have been approved to offer Ulster University award-bearing courses.

Faculty Partnership Managers image

Faculty Partnership Managers

The University has Partnership Managers who are the identified link between the University and partner institutions.

CAQE (Collab) image

CAQE (Collab)

Information on ACR process.

Institutional Re-Approval image

Institutional Re-Approval

Partner institutions are subject to a re-approval process normally in a quinquennial cycle in the year preceding the expiry of the Memorandum of Recognition.

Partner Institutions

The University has a range of partnerships as part of its taught course provision.